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8 Garden Jobs for January

January may not feel like the month for gardening but brisk January days are perfect for planning your year ahead. And while we’re staying at home during during the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s a great way to get some fresh air and exercise.

January may not feel like the month for gardening but brisk January days are perfect for planning your year ahead.

As snowdrops begin to emerge you can take some time to to appreciate the potential and start preparing to make the most of the coming months in your garden.

Here are some jobs for January recommended by Garden Plus:

Clear away any decaying perennials, this will deter slugs and snails and allow spring bulbs to flourish.

If you have a compost heap ready to use, spread it on your garden to enrich your soil and boost your plants later in the year.

Keep watering pots and baskets, especially if they contain bulbs. Watering is not the first thing on your mind in chilly weather but containers don’t always catch the rain. Just make sure not to over water or water during a heavy freeze.

Ensure that delicate plants are protected with fleece or hessian.

If the weather is good, try planting some bare root trees and scented shrubs.

The garden birds will appreciate some food at this time of year. Fat pellets with mealworms are an all round favourite and provide a much needed boost of energy for our little feathered friends.

January is a good time to prune your rose bushes while they are dormant.

Cut them back just above a bud. Cut away any dead branches and any crossing branches should be removed.

Wisteria can also be pruned now. Cut back shoots by two or three buds on a lateral stem for beautiful blooms in Spring.

There’s plenty to do over the next few weeks and if you need any help preparing your garden or have any landscaping ideas for the year ahead, give us a call, text or email for a chat.

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